Sunglasses Series

I feel the idea began with this playful image I took
The sunglasses series has been an idea forming in my mind for some time; however it has never fully materialized until recently. Being a male there are not too many accessories that are socially acceptable, true, there are watches and shoes and clothing, however I feel that these things are not as prominent features when trying to identify others personally. Sunglasses and specifically sunglasses stood out to me as something that is both functional, and an indicator of a personality. It strangely is something I find underutilized as a marker of peoples lifestyles. I chose to use this blank conceptual canvas as a frame (no pun intended). For me the face is one of the most important features of a person. Expressions can tell us whether people are angry, sad, happy, frustrated, sloppy, neat, clean, sick, and so much more in a split second. We judge more than we know off of people’s faces, and what better way to utilize this natural occurrence?
The Sunglasses series plays off of the natural signals sent from faces, and provides a mask or a metaphor for people’s feelings. I have purposefully crafted glasses that I find just ridiculous enough to distract others from seeing the face for a moment, yet mimicked popular eye wear so that the glasses whilst standing out are still accepted.
The Sunglasses series plays off of the natural signals sent from faces, and provides a mask or a metaphor for people’s feelings. I have purposefully crafted glasses that I find just ridiculous enough to distract others from seeing the face for a moment, yet mimicked popular eye wear so that the glasses whilst standing out are still accepted.
I realized that beyond my original interpretation of sunglasses and how they frame the face, that the glasses themselves and the materials used to achieve the forms also can have a profound effect on the viewer. These glasses were originally meant to be a functional pair of cast glasses however due to my inexperience in the material, and not creating a deep enough mold the overall result is as shown. However this recognizable imagery is still something I can play with and use.
©Chauncey Rasmussen 2014. All rights reserved.